What Does This Error Code Mean?

Using Error Codes to Diagnose Repair Issues on Cardio Equipment

Error codes are used to alert the user or technician to various component malfunctions on cardio exercise equipment. When equipment is malfunctioning error codes will show up on the input display. The exact error code and what it means will vary from one brand of fitness equipment to another. The error code can be looked up in the manual of the specific model of exercise equipment. Manuals are often available online.

Once the user or technician looks up the error code, they will be informed which part or system of the equipment needs to be repaired, or at least a place to start. One error code can lead the technician to inspect one group of components, while another symptom or error code may lead the technician toward another area of the machine. It is important to understand that certain error codes are very straightforward while others may simply point you in the right direction.

It can be helpful to have a standardized process – or checklist – for diagnosing and troubleshooting error codes. While error codes are not standardized across brands, the process for troubleshooting can be similar. Here are some easy steps to follow for troubleshooting error codes. 

  1. Check what error codes are being displayed.
    • Check the time of occurrence and the mileage.
    • Take note of this as it can be helpful later on when diagnosing the problem. 
  2. Depending on the brand, clear the error codes and power down the unit.
    • Make sure to reference the manual to safely power down the unit.
  3. Once the power is off, check all the cable connections ensuring none are loose.
  4. Power up the unit.
    • Make sure to reference the manual to safely power up the unit.
  5. Once the unit is fully powered up, check the error code log for error reoccurrence.
  6. Refer to the error code guide and/or continue troubleshooting as appropriate.

Keep in mind that what an error code means for one machine may mean something different for another. Because of this, some of these troubleshooting tips will vary based on the brand of equipment.Therefore it is paramount to have either a copy of the manual for the specific model of the equipment, or some kind of cheat sheet with the most common error codes for that machine.

At National Gym Supply we offer a library of repair help including dynamic schematics, diagnostics, and how-to’s for most exercise equipment models and all major brands. This information can help you understand what these error codes mean and what next steps might be. We have put together this page as a tool to help with the process of looking up, understanding, and using error codes to find out what needs to be repaired, or at minimum where to start. Feel free to call us at 1-800-GYMPART (1-800-496-7278, 310-410-4200-Intl) weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. PST. (GMT -8.00)