Send in a Repair Video Thumbnail

Send In A Repair

Another electronic board has broken. You could go to the manufacturer and spend more money than necessary to replace it. Or, you could save money by letting National Gym Supply repair the parts. Give us a part number or browse for the item online. Tell us what’s wrong with the item, get your shipping label … Read more

Custom Cables Video Thumbnail

Custom Cables Workflow

You need to order custom cables for strength equipment. If the machine is older, or if the manufacturer is no longer in business, it can get expensive! However, it doesn’t have to be. Let National Gym Supply design your replacement custom cables. It’s easy! Choose a cable type, add the components required, and pick out … Read more

Welcome to National Gym Supply Video Thumbnail

Welcome to National Gym Supply

Welcome to the National Gym Supply YouTube Channel! For more than 25 years, we’ve helped gym owners and fitness equipment technicians save time and money. With the launch of our YouTube channel, we make it even easier. Brief, to-the-point videos show you how to diagnose your electronics. The channel goes hand in hand with our … Read more

Send in a Repair Intro Video Thumbnail

Send In a Repair Introduction

Did you know that you can save up to 75% on your replacement monitors, TVs, and electronics with National Gym Supply’s repair and exchange service? It’s easy! Visit and click on “send in a repair.” Video Transcript John Webster here from national gymsupply did you know you can save up to75% on your replacement … Read more